AssetWise Inspections

Office Doors Analogy

An office door analogy can be used to help explain how AssetWise Inspections’ role security works. Each office door represents a deeper, more specific level of security within AssetWise Inspections.

Similar to an employee using his/her security badge to be granted/denied entry through an office door, the role security settings established in AssetWise Inspections determine which security points the user can get through and at what level of access. "Full Control" and "Read-Only" allows entry through the door while "Hidden" does not permit entry.

It is important to note that there is a security hierarchy: Asset > Report > Form > Field. The level of access granted through one door then determines the maximum access available through the rest of the doors in the hierarchy. However, access can still become more limited as the user proceeds through the other doors. The following grid displays how lesser access will always override higher access:

Levels of Access

Full Control Read-only Hidden
Full Control Full Control Red-only Hidden
Read-only Read-only Read-only Hidden
Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden

Example: The Manage Roles page has a role's asset level security set to "Full Control." However, its report level security is set to "Read-Only." This means that the role's report level security, form level security, and field level security can at best only be "Read-Only." No amount of "Full Control" access granted at the form and field level in the Site Configuration suite can override the "Read-Only" access that has been set at the report level.